2020 Trainings & Programs
Our Projects
Sexual Violence Prevention
The first project was supported by International Rescue Committee. This project will be implemented in ten villages which belong to Thandaungyi Township, KareState.
Anti-trafficking & reintegration
The second project is Anti-Trafficking and Reintegration Support sponsored by World Vision Myanmar. The project has been implemented in ten township under Yangon Association.
Child Protection Case Management
The third project is Child Protection Case Management Project and it was supported by Save the Children Myanmar and UNICEF Myanmar.
Zoe Training
The purpose of this training is to help girls and women who have the talent and interest for health services but are not eligible to attend the Nursing College.oor people who cannot afford to go to clinics & hospitals.

Welcome Message
We, the Yangon Kayin Baptist Women Association, (YKBWA), do mission work by supporting some volunteers not only in church but also in churches group level. In order to support this, we have a single family a single chick/ bird program. Starting form 2014, we have a mission field at Kwing Waing Village which belongs to Upper Bogalay Region Churches group. The mission field’s minister who serve there is Thra Joe Win. We build a hostel for this mission field and use it both as mission field’s minister’s house and as a place for worshipping and learning center, etc.
Our Activities

We, the Yangon Kayin Baptist Women Association, (YKBWA), do mission work by supporting some volunteers not only in church but also in churches group level.