Affiliated Body of YKBWA
As YKBWA is one of women Christian Organizations in Myanmar, we must work together with other Christians Organizations in women channel. We affiliate with Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) women department, Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC) women department, and Karen Baptist Convention (KBC) women department. Because of working together with MCC women department, we can also co-operate with Asian Christian Women Council. In the same way, we cooperate with the Least Coin fellowship and World Day of Prayer by collecting donations for them.In order to support Community Health Care Course and Prevention of Sexual Violence against Women, we work together with Global Women Organization (USA).
In Myanmar, we also cooperate with non-Christians Organization, such as Women Organization net work.
We, the Yangon Kayin Baptist Women Association, (YKBWA), do mission work by supporting some volunteers not only in church but also in churches group level.