Beauty Organic Farm
This Beauty Organic Farm is located in Manny Gone Village, Okkan Township. With four acres in area we plant paddy three acres and the rest for vegetables. We also have husbandry on pigs, chicken and ducks there. The purpose of this farm is to support YKBWA’S Evangelism and Mission work. The Karen Fellowship from Purpose Church, United State, also supports us in this Beauty Organic Farm.
Honoring the Outstanding Students who pass the Matriculation Examination with Distinctions.
Annually, we, YKBWA honors the outstanding students who pass the matriculation examination with distinctions at our second mass meeting in October. We give honorarium to those who receive from one distinction to all distinctions (all D). Our purpose is to let the parents know and recognize their children’s industriousness and to value and be proud of them. At the same time, we want to encourage the ones who get this honor to continue trying their best.

We, the Yangon Kayin Baptist Women Association, (YKBWA), do mission work by supporting some volunteers not only in church but also in churches group level.